Other Resources: External Websites
There are a number of web resources about the November Pogrom of 1938. Some of the more detailed of these are listed below.
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) Special Focus - Kristallnacht: The November 1938 Pogroms
This online exhibition provides a brief historical overview, video interviews from survivors, historical photographs, resources for commemorative activities, and related links.
USC Shoah Foundation Institute Video - Remembering Kristallnacht
This 22-minute video was created through a joint partnership between USHMM and the USC Shoah Foundation Institute with footage from the Institute's archive.
It features six survivors who recount their personal experiences during the November Pogrom and the events that followed.
Yad Vashem "The November 1938 Pogrom - Kristallnacht"
This website, developed by the International School for Holocaust Studies, contains education resources, relevant encyclopedia entries, and links to resources in Yad Vashem’s Holocaust Resource Center, including personal accounts, documents, photographs, and diaries and letters.
Additionally, there is a link to an online exhibition entitled, "It Came From Within...", which includes education resources, a visual overview, historical testimony, video resources, images of objects, and a page focused on the events in one town, Baden-Baden.
Also included are materials and instructions for teachers on how to run a ceremony for grades 7-9 on the events of 9-10 November 1938, entitled "Shattered and Broken".
Museum of Tolerance Online Guide – Kristallnacht
This online guide includes a selection of resources for learning more about the November Pogrom, including historical context, a fact sheet, descriptions of relevant people, documents, and eyewitness accounts.
Technical University of Darmstadt: Virtual Reconstruction - Synagogues in Germany
This digital resource documents a project to create virtual reconstructions of synagogues in Germany that were destroyed during the November Pogrom.
Each synagogue is described and visualized through a short history, archival and contemporary images, and computer-generated images of how the synagogue is believed to have appeared before November 1938, including 3D modelling and visualizations of the exterior and interior.
AJR Journal Article: "A Tale from the November Pogrom"
This article was published in the February 2014 (Volume 14, No.2) issue of the Association of Jewish Refugees's AJR Journal and features a letter written by Mrs C. K. Rosenstiel (née Meumann) of Putney, London SW15, a Jewish refugee from Berlin. In the letter, Rosentiel tells the remarkable story of how a high-ranking German army officer offered to help his Jewish neighbours escape arrest during the pogrom.
Explore the online archive of the AJR Journal (formerly AJR Information) to read issues dating back to January 1946. Try a search for 'November Pogrom' or 'Kristallnacht' to read more articles about these events.