From Der Neue Tag, Prague, No. 64, 11 June 1939 (National Socialist)
Synagogue fire in Oerfurt [Oderfurt; now Cz. Přívoz; Prziwos; within city of Ostrava, Moravia-Silesia region] (Own report)
On Saturday night the Oderfurt Synagoge was beset by fire. Before the fire brigade rapidly appeared at the fire scene, the fire had already spread to such an extent that the whole building was alight. The firemen sought to master the fire with all the skill at their disposal. Suddenly a westerly wind set in, so that the neighbouring buildings were much endangered by the blazing flames and fierce sparks. As the wind powerfully fanned the fire, it was fuelled by highly dangerous constant explosions which came from the large quantity of revolver ammuntion and explosives as well as numerous hand grenades hidden in the synagogue by criminal elements. Only thanks to a particular stroke of luck was no one harmed from the team of firefighters and security services. In these circumstances, after all their efforts to extinguish the fire were unsuccessful, the fire brigade eventually had to restrict the neighbouring buildings and their inhabitants in the interests of safety and protection. If the rising wind had had greater strength, then the buildings fringing the Ringplatz fire would also have been encroached inexorably by the fire.