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One observes preparations for the war cry: the Jews are guilty.

1. Great article by Alfred Rosenberg end of August or beginning of September in the general press. Quote in it from an American-Jewish journal with an essay presenting an ironical vision of the war.

The article by Rosenberg was put up on posters, the Jewish journal reproduced on the posters with a picture of Judith.

2. During the September crisis a special number of Der Stürmer appeared: “The Jews and the War”.

3. Prophecy by Hitler on 30th January 1939: the next European war will mean the end of the Jews in Europe.

4. Very dangerous article by Dr. Goebbels in a Saturday edition of the “V. B.” [Völkischer Beobachter] middle of March 1939, where the slogan “The Jews are guilty” is presented verbatim. One recalls the article by the same author in Der Angriff of August 1932, where exclusion from the formation of government despite the election result provoked strong discontent in the party, which was set off through the same slogan “The Jew is guilty”.


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