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Deaths in Sachsenhausen and Buchenwald concentration camps and after returning from the camps.

1. Dr. Ernst Feist-Wollheim, from the family of Caesar Wollheim, prisoner in Sachsenhausen, died in hospital after his return from the camp of sepsis and erysipelas [skin infection] as a result of frostbite. He had lost his sanity and any will to live. He left a wife behind.

2. Max Aronheim, formerly of Reetz [now Pol. Recz] in the Neumark [New March or East Brandenburg, now Pol. Nowa Marchia], grain merchant, married, died during his first days in Sachsenhausen allegedly of heart attack. His wife Lotte, née Adler, born in Stargard [now Pol. Szczeciński] in Pomerania, lost her sanity, was admitted to a sanatorium and committed suicide there. No children.

3. Karl Katz, cantor of Jastrow [now Pol. Jastrowie] community in the Grenzmark [Frontier March of Posen-West Prussia, now Pol. Marchia Graniczna Poznańsko-Zachodniopruska], c. 35 years old, died in the Revier in Sachsenhausen, allegedly of heart attack. He left behind his wife, two small children and his elderly father.

4. Jonas, Berlin, died of heart attack in Sachsenhausen.

5. Hermann Bacharach, b. 14th April 1859 in Rhina (Hesse), resident in Nordhausen, pensioner, died of heart attack 24th November in Buchenwald.

6.Kurt Seidemann, c. 40 years old (Juni-Aktion) died in December 1938 of sepsis in Buchenwald. He was unmarried, from Berlin.

7. Pharmacist Michaelis, Berlin, died c. 50 years of age in Buchenwald (Juni-Aktion).

8. Lawyer Robert Meyer, Syndikus of the Hertie department store A. G. (formerly Hermann Tietz), died in Sachsenhausen (Novemberaktion).

9. Horst Loewenberg, Berlin NO 55, Lippehnerstraβe 24 (Juni-Aktion), unmarried, 22 years old, died on 2nd October 1938 in Buchenwald.

10. Heinz Blumenheim, Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Landhausstraße, unmarried, c. 30 years of age (Juni-Aktion), died January 1939 in Buchenwald.

The individuals named here are buried in Berlin.


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