Ref. Mannheim
17th November 1938
With reference to my conversation with you, I am passing on to you in the attached the necessary details about the mother of the three children from M. I have learned that the father, who was a lawyer, is in the Dachau concentration camp, and that the mother is in hiding since she too is being sought by the Gestapo. At present the children are with neighbours, where however they can also no longer stay. My relatives want to try to cross the Dutch border tomorrow with the children. The children have been provided with Kinderausweise.
In M. there is no one else who is able to take care of the children. The grandparents have taken their own lives, at our relatives in Frankfurt all the men have also been arrested, the women themselves are helpless. The children are unprovided for, and there remains only the street for them, whereas here in Holland people are ready to take the children in and to look after them... (twins of eleven years, girls and a boy of 13 years).