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Ref. Dortmund

22nd November 1938

... It concerns my sister-in-law’s children, a girl of ten and a boy of eleven. The following facts have only just been brought to my attention:

  1. The Dortmund Anwalt Frank was murdered in my sister-in-law’s house;
  2. as far as I am aware, most of the furniture has been destroyed;
  3. the children have suffered a lot psychologically through the “nightly house visits“. They cannot calm down.
  4. it appears that the rental agreement has been cancelled, as I gathered from the note;
  5. the children‘s single mother has completely lost her equilibrium and there is no relative left in Germany;
  6. I emphasise again that the children‘s father maliciously abandoned his wife in 1933 and has never supported her, so the financial circumstances are bad...


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