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From the Basler Nachrichten, no. 32, 2 February 1939


Lugano, 1 February 1939

As reported by the Gazetta Ticinese, on Tuesday afternoon a Rivapiana [now Minusio] fisherman noticed a boat around 300 metres away from the bank in which lay a young woman who was injured. The doctor who was called ascertained that the woman had been injured by two revolver shots.

Immediate enquiries established that the woman is an Austrian who has been living with her husband Dr. Valentin, the well-known Jewish surgeon from Vienna, at a guest house near Rivapiana for some time.

Both had left the guest house at about half past 12 in order to go out in the boat as they often did. Since Dr. Valentin has disappeared, it is suspected that he turned the weapon on himself after having attempted to kill his wife. The woman’s condition is hopeless.


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