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At the corner of Sechshauserstraße and Ullmannstraße a certain P. is waiting for his wife, as he does every evening at 9 o’clock. By chance, a brother-in-law of P. came along and the two men started chatting. But suddenly both gentlemen (Herr P. is c. 55 years old, his brother-in-law, Herr E. c. 60 years) are manhandled by an SA man and are forced to accompany him into the inn opposite (Graf, formerly Seidelberger, corner of Sechshauserstraße and Kreuzgasse).

Pushed into the inn so that Herr E. fell flat on the floor, both men are forced to do the following on the orders of the SA man: “Saujud" (to Herr E.), “climb on the chair and start singing, loudly, or you’ll be in for it.” The guests present, who already had quite a lot of alcohol in them, not only slapped E. around the face, but also spat at him. Then E. was ordered to drink, the SA man grabbed him, punched him off the chair and he fell flat to the floor again (both Jews are small, fragile men, Mr. E. has a humpback), his face was rubbed with dirt as if it was fair game, ridiculed because of his humpback on top of that, he was really roughed up.

Now it was Herr P.’s turn, treated the same way as his brother-in-law despite him showing them his credentials as a front-line soldier. After the two Jews were no longer recognisable (clothes torn down, faces dirtied), the SA man said: “Now you can go.” Yet neither had reached the exit before the SA man came up with the following good idea: “Come back you Saukerle, now we are going to do a few exercises.” However, then an SS man came along by chance, who had noticed the shouting coming from the inn, saw it and immediately started to talk to the SA man. After that the two men were allowed to go home. Herr E. was so dazed that he could not find his way home although he lives less than a 10-minute walk away.

It was only after days that Herr E. was able to walk again, but he was still in pain.

Reporter: Robert Steiner, 38 Rue Bisson, Paris


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