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On 9th November 1923, the day of Hitler’s first revolt in front of the Feldherrndenkmal in Munich, Göring amongst others was wounded by a shot in the leg. He was taken to the house of the Jewish furniture manufacturer Robert Ballin, and was cared for there and hidden from the authorities. The whole B. family, including members of the extended family, has since enjoyed the protection of Göring. This was also demonstrated in Dachau, since the two older Ballins were quickly released from the camp on the first or second day, and one or two days later Dr. Ballin, approximately forty years old, who admittedly is also a “Jewish nurse”, was released.

In the books published by the party the assistance to Göring is not mentioned, but it was reported that Göring had been taken to the court pharmacy located in the Munich Residenz. The Aryan doctor, who had administered first aid to Göring and who was an eyewitness of the incident, died a number of years ago.

Reporter: Wilhelm Neuburger, Amsterdam-Z[uid], Courbetstraat 21

The report may only be used with the consent of the reporter


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