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From a letter by an emigrant from San Francisco dated 23rd November 1938:

“... I am, as you will understand, very concerned about my parents, in addition to that is the depressing feeling that I myself am in a nothing less than enviable position and on the other hand barely able to help with the madness over there.

My mother wrote to me in a confused airmail letter of 11th November that our shop in K.-Straße has been completely destroyed and that her brother and a series of other relatives have been taken to the concentration camp. (The words concentration camp have been changed to hospital.) Another cousin, who was already taken to Sachsenhausen two months ago, suffered a “heart attack” there a couple of weeks ago from which he then died...”

From a letter from Herr Heinz Berggrün of San Francisco, passed on by Herr Ernst Wallach of New York.


K.-Straße = Konstanzer Straße, apparently in Berlin


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