An incident in Z.: The fact that even during this sad time of the pogroms there was no lack of a certain humour and humane understanding, may be learned from the following true event.
In Z. Herr B., as the only Jew, was taken to the prison in the town. B. was seriously diabetic and when Frau B.‘s husband’s arrest was carried out, she immediately hurried, very concerned, to their family doctor. This doctor got in touch with the prison doctor and managed to arrange that B. could not only cater for himself but that the bottle of red wine, which he was in the habit of drinking, would be sent to him in the prison each day by his wife. The prison warder was also thoughtfully provided with a bottle of red wine each day. After only a few days B. was released and thanked the prison authorities for treating him well. He passed on various items of furniture to the prison warder at his request, as since then he has emigrated to America.
Reporter: Dr. K. Zielenziger, Amsterdam
Z. = Siegmaringen (Württemberg)
B. = brewery owner Franks