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Reporter was arrested on 10th November by a Kriminalbeamte and taken to Brigittenau police station. There he was put in a cell with 28 men after personal details had been recorded. The treatment was fair. In the afternoon the arrested men were taken to Karajangasse Arrestlokal (a former school). When the vehicles drove up, the square had to be cordoned off by SS Schutztruppe, because the crowd, especially women, let loose with insults and violence towards those getting out. Reporter was put in a classroom with 78 men after an interrogation. Every two to three men could use one straw sack. Sleeping was inconceivable. After 12 o’clock at night an SS officer came into the room with a roar. “78 men” was reported. He roared, “78 Jews, that’s called, repeat!” Then the academics had to step forward, who were addressed with “Sie” [formal “you”] and were asked about [their] profession. Then the businessmen. Individuals were asked, “What are you?” Answer: “Businessman”. Roared to that: “You’re a fraudster, repeat it!”

The next day the governor of the prison, an assessor from Berlin, ran riot with insults and brutality. On Monday or Tuesday the prisoners were taken in cars to Rossauerlände to Gestapo headquarters. In the yard they were met by the SS with wooden clubs and kicks and led to a hall with a stone floor. There those who had not yet been shorn were shorn in such a way that the man to be shorn had to kneel, another Jew received scissors and was ordered how to cut, if possible in such a way that the people looked disfigured. One Jew had a proper Mogen Dovid cut.

Anyone who apparently did not do something correctly was beaten, during which the others had to turn round. Then it was asked, "Who is hungry?" One could buy Knackwurst and bread. After the meal, which was observed, there were beatings with straps again. Then the people were interrogated and asked who had emigration papers. A division into three categories took place: “E”’ i.e. “Entlassen” [release], that was people over 60 and the sick; “Z” = “Zurück nach der Karajangasse” [return to Karajangasse], “D” = “Dachau”’. Those who went to Dachau were immediately pushed into a lower room. C. 3,000 people went to Dachau or Weimar (did not know exactly).

The worst day was Thursday (day of vom Rath’s funeral). They had to report early, then three or four SS men appeared in their room, who immediately shouted, "Now we’re going to teach you, now there’ll be a different tone." First had to eat again, sausage and bread, which had to be paid for. Then came gymnastic exercises standing face to the wall, hands reaching upwards. Fingers were beaten with straps. Lie on the ground, kiss the ground, lip smacking for ten minutes. Get up, stand at the wall again and reach up. A little rest, then academics step forward. Two lawyers had to have a boxing match, intermittent shouting: "Look at the Jewish cowards!"; intermittent blows with the fist. Three or four pairs had to perform such fights. Even a choirmaster was supposed to take part in a boxing match. Then a cup of coffee was thrown onto the floor and he had to lick up the coffee with his tongue. A lawyer had to take off his shoes and socks, slide around on his knees and lick the floor with his tongue. The choirmaster had to sing a song. Then it was asked: "Who can recount something about Freemasons‘ lodges?" Those who came forward received blows. "Who will come forward voluntarily to be shot?" When one man came forward, he was asked, "Why?" And when he said that he spent four years in the war without one bullet having been being cast for him, and even now he had no fear, he was able to stand down.

An old rabbi had to kneel down, then one held a bayonet to his throat with the words, "You Schweinehund, surrender your foreign currencies, do you want to see blood?" and gave him blows. Then it was standing at the wall again, academics and business people in particular were beaten with leather whips and steel helmets. Five people were unconscious, one lawyer close to madness.

At exactly 11 o‘clock the SS men disappeared and the guard came, the injured were bandaged. It was said that machine guns were put into position in the night from Thursday to Friday, and the SS were denied entry to the building. There are also said to have been arrests amongst the SS. According to rumours, in another prison people are said to have been jabbed with needles and forced to drink others‘ urine.

On release one had to sign that one would tell nothing. Beforehand watches and possible items of value were taken away. "Don’t say that we have taken that, you donated them to us."

On release one said to the reporter, hearing that he was a Pole, "Why didn‘t you stay in Poland, you Polish swine?"

The last signature had to be provided by the assessor, one was called for that, beforehand had to stand again with nose pressed flat against the wall. Reporter had to leave Vienna by 31st December, otherwise Dachau. Then a kick, "Out with you, you swine".

The wife of the reporter told of the devastation of Jewish homes, everything was smashed to pieces and destroyed. At a relative‘s, who already had departure papers for Palestine, his large shop was robbed and then everything sealed up. He could only have his papers released by signing that he was voluntarily donating his firm to the Party. The next day a sign was on the shop, "Arisiert".

After the reporter was turned back in Emmerich with his wife and two children of four and eight years of age, he was led across the border near Aachen by a German customs officer. "What crime have the two children committed then?" On the Dutch side they were helped by a Christian miner’s family with eight children until they reached a Comité.

Reporter: Josef Schlesinger, upholsterer (35 years old), previously of Vienna XX., Universumstr. 34, at present in Amsterdam, Gelderschekade 79, c/o Baruch


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