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24th November 1938

"I can now inform you that my father was released from prison and is in Düsseldorf again, thank God! In Düsseldorf it appears to have been particlarly savage, hence the rumours. I myself heard e.g. by chance that my mother had been arrested, however there was no truth in that. In contrast unfortunately yesterday I heard that during the first days the mob broke into our home and literally destroyed everything, smashed the furniture into little pieces, cut up the cushions etc. Only one room was spared. That affects me very deeply, very much more than if our things had been confiscated. It seems to have happened the same way to a great many people, for I heard that many have joined the households of friends because their home had been destroyed."

Reporter: Hermann Eschelbacher, 12 Gladstone Terrace, Edinburgh 9, c.o. Miss Elliot


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