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Herr A., a Frenchman, was employed in X. (Baden) as a teacher of religion.

Without previously having been harassed by the National Socialists in any way, he was himself also the object of persecution on 10th November 1938.

Early in the morning at 6 o’clock he was suddenly awoken by the Gestapo and ordered to open the door. In his nightclothes he was obliged to open the door onto the corridor, in order not to allow the threat to break down the door to become reality, and already he was surrounded by about 12 to 15 men.

They asked him which nationality he was, at which he proved his identity with his French passport. With the words, “It’s good that you are French,” they then left his home. A few minutes later two men came back, the police minister [sic] and a plain clothes officer. At their request he showed them his French passport, at which they responded, “You’re lucky that you’re French. Disappear as fast as you can!” In the meantime a whole band of 25 to 35 men came and demanded entry. The wife, who opened the door, alerted them that the police were already in the room, whereupon the woman was brutally pushed to one side and hurled to the floor by the gangsters. One of the men attacked Herr A. so badly with punches that traces on his face, eyes and arms could still be seen in recent days by the police here.

Without being able to take the barest necessities with him, he then left the small town.

All his Jewish fellow brethren, like him, fled that very same morning.

Reporter: Henri Bloch, Schwetzingen (Baden), Bruchhäuserstr. 4


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