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30th November 1938

On 9th November at 2 o’clock in the morning the synagogue in the Fasanenstraße was on fire, half an hour later came the news that the synagogue in Prinzenstraße was burning. Oberschammes A. suffered serious mistreatment, he had to walk barefoot through the shards of glass. The Kottbuserdamm synagogue was spared. A Schupo officer forbade entry, people from the street gathered to support him, there was a real battle with beer glasses. - Contrary to another report the Oranienburgerstraße synagogue is said to have been spared, the Münchenerstraße synagogue heavily attacked.

In Sachsenhausen camp convicts are subordinate supervisors.

While the Jewish Gemeindehaus in Berlin was under guard, a dispute about authority emerged between Arbeitsfront and Gestapo; the latter proved to be a guardian angel.

The reports already existing of the destruction of Jewish shops have been confirmed. In Wilmersdorfer Straße all the wares were thrown into the roadway, doused in petrol and set alight. At N[athan] Israel [department store] the wares were thrown in the atrium. – The Jews now have to pay double rates for gas and electricity.

Rumours are doing the rounds that those who do not emigrate very quickly will be held back as hostages until the resolution of the colonial question.

Herr B. was taken from the train in Bentheim. During the body search his gold watch and chain was taken from him. He had to pay RM. 800.- in the Unterwerfungsverfahren or he would be taken to court there. He provided the money by telegraphic transfer. - A lady who was wearing a not very valuable brooch was supposed to pay RM. 750.-; as she could not obtain the money, she was temporarily detained.


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