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I cannot report anything of the events in Germany from my own experience, however know the following from a reliable reporter who has a so-called Grenzschein:

The reporter was in Nuremberg in order to enquire about the fate of his relatives. In that regard in the night from 9th to 10th November 16 men appeared in these relatives‘ house – the husband is almost 70, the wife over 60 years old – and mistreated the two people and violently drove them out of the house. They were then bandaged by an Aryan doctor and brought by taxi to the Fürth hospital. On the way the car was repeatedly stopped by SS men so that finally policemen got onto the car’s running boards in order to protect the patients‘ transport.

The old gentleman had injuries to his forehead and nose and had to stay in hospital for ten days, the old lady merely had a bruise and was soon able to be released. On their return their home was completely empty. Also at another of the reporter’s relatives, Herr A., 30 men appeared and left nothing behind in the home. His house was then seized by the Arbeitsfront – he himself fetched from the hospital in order to complete the legal formalities of the transfer of title.

The 50-year-old lawyer Walter Berlin was considerably mistreated in prison, then however released with the explicit instruction to put Jewish emigration in Nuremberg into operation.

The rabbi Dr. Schönberger, who was released, took himself off to Luxembourg instead of caring for the community.

In Aachen the lawyer Loewenstein was arrested when he wanted to save the sacred objects from the burning synagogue. Gustav Struch from Aachen, whose health was delicate, died as a result of his imprisonment in Buchenwald. He was in Dachau in the Jewish section.

In Fürth Jews were driven into the theatre, the auditorium darkened and some of those present thrashed on the illuminated stage.

In Aachen only a few homes have been destroyed, essentially only a large and magnificent building which the large towel manufacturer B. had had built near the border.

Of suicides in Nuremberg I am aware of that of the proprietor of the Café Bamberger, secondly of a Herr Saalmann from Fürth, and of Herr Heidenheimer and Herr Otto Metzger, of whom the latter has died in Dachau.


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