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“The undersigned are asking us for help to save the children of our brother A. from B.

Our brother has been confined in prison in C. since 10th November. Today the wife writes that she was informed that he would only be released if he leaves Germany within three weeks. They are the only Jews living in a small place. Everything of theirs was completely destroyed and he has already spent years without work and in great need as a businessman in this position. We ask you nevertheless to help us to rescue the children.

We are taking the 11-year-old girl Anni A. permanently. The boy Karl A., 17 years old, has still not learned anything to date, however we ask for a place in an work training camp, so that the boy is not completely useless. Our brother is blameless, was a front-line soldier during the World War.

Please help, the emergency here is great and only immediate help can save the children.

Respectfully yours,


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