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29th November 1938

My emigration is all prepared; when I returned to our home at 11 o’clock in the morning on Thursday 10th November from a trip into the town, we discovered an SS man at the door, formerly a representative of my firm, who said to us that we were not allowed to leave our home.

Shortly afterwards six men appeared, SS and SA in uniform, Kriminalpolizei in plain clothes, who announced that we were under arrest, and then we were taken under escort by three men, SS, SA and a Sturmhauptführer on foot through the main roads of the town to the Rathaus. There was nothing to be seen of “Volkswut“ , on the contrary people frequently greeted us. Already at the Rathaus were several people who had been arrested; in total c. 35 men had been arrested.

Statements were made, braces and ties were taken from us, and we were locked in a cell, twelve men together. After an hour eight men were called out. In front of the Rathaus stood a lorry on which were the Thorarollen, prayer books and valuables from the synagogue, which had to be unloaded by the eight men and taken into one of the Kriminalpolizei’s rooms.

Then they were led back into their cell. The treatment was reasonable, if also rough, nothing happened, we received food, plank beds, blankets and straw mattresses. On the third day we also went outside for half an hour, physical exercise.

The car was impounded. On Thursday afternoon the building was searched by eight men, amongst them a former bookkeeper of the firm. Unimportant things were taken away, dishes were broken, the grand piano was chopped up with an axe. On Friday morning a police captain inspected the home with an entourage of Kriminalbeamte.

The rabbi gave himself up. – The interior of the synagogue was destroyed but not set on fire, the equipment was thrown through the window. See article in A. Tagblatt from 10th to 13th November about these events.

No arrests were made during the night, no violence is known of, three to four homes were wrecked, amongst them that of Herr B. was completely destroyed, even the sockets were ripped from the walls.

We were released at noon on Sunday and departed immediately with our Entlassungsschein. Before Monday all men under 20 and over 60 were released, the rest were transported away.


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