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29th November 1938

I am head of the Jewish sporting, particularly swimming, organisation in A. At the beginning of June I was arrested one day and had to report every fourteen days. During this time many difficulties were made for me, because one of our athletes had kissed the hand of an Aryan lady, and as a result was prosecuted for attempted Rassenschande.

I was not arrested in November.

In A. only a few homes but all of the shops were destroyed. Every evening around 10th November large contingents of Jews, with 30 SA men at the head and 30 men from an SS division, were transported off in long trains. Until Sunday there were random arrests, according to my estimation 3 to 4,000 Jews. Whoever still dared to go out into the street at all walked with his eyes down in fear. From anxiety, many slept in other people’s homes, but were even caught and arrested there. The villa of a spirit manufacturer B. was completely wrecked. Rabbis Hoffmann and Lewin were arrested. Jews with visas were gradually released from the camp, but often so late that e.g. 63-year-old Herr C. could no longer reach his ship in time. During the first few days the community administration was not active; likewise for weeks practising any sport was impossible, although quite a lot of young people are still there.

It was credibly told to me that in Buchenwald it was not the work that was oppressive but the eternal bullying and the water shortage.

On release the prisoners had to undertake to disappear from Germany by 28th December.

There were numerous suicides during this time, as for example that of the proprietor of the large clothing business Xentaver.


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