29th November 1938
In Cologne by now a further 30 men were released, on average aged between 40 and 45 years. All these gentlemen have signed up to leaving Germany by 29th December 1938. They were released through a Gesuch. I spoke personally to some of the released men. The gentlemen came from Dachau.
According to Herr A. no mistreatment happened there. People there were mostly occupied in marching and gymnastic exercises. The food was ample and personal insults likewise did not happen according to the statements of this gentleman. The Vorgesetzter was the Stubenältester, a former Communist who was in charge of all Jewish gentlemen in a so-called block consisting of four barracks. In the first days people were walking around in clothing that was much too thin, since many had been picked up at night when arrested from their beds and admitted to Dachau in their pyjamas and nightclothes. – The distance Cologne-Munich takes c. seven hours by fast train. It cannot be assumed however that this journey took place in the fast train, hence one can imagine the stresses of such a long journey in completely inadequate clothing. The accounting of money was done absolutely correctly according to Herr A.‘s statement.