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22nd November 1938

Almost all homes were mercilessly wrecked in Nuremberg. Many Jews are said to have jumped from their homes many storeys high onto the street in order to find death that way. A great deal of mistreatment has taken place there, arrests not to such a great extent, in age not even up to 60 years. In one night in Nuremberg 170 houses were sold at fixed prices, documented in the presence of a notary. Thus e.g. a value of RM. 85,000.- was fixed at RM. 5,000.-. A case is known to me of an elderly gentleman to whom it was suggested that he sell his houses and he refused. He was then basically taken to a cellar and mistreated and beaten until he willingly consented to everything. When he emerged, it was said to him "Nothing has actually happened to you?" to which of course he replied, "No." – All synagogues were burned down.

In Fürth all Jews were taken from their homes between half past 2 and 3 at night, even very young children, sick people, pregnant women etc. and herded together on the large square. They had to stand there until 5 o’clock in the morning. Then they were led to the Berolzheimerianum (Jewish hospital) and brought to a large hall. They could sit down here. The women were sent home, as were the children. Then the men were called out singly and each individual dreadfully mistreated in front of the others. The people were then taken to Dachau.

In various places in the Baden region people were crammed into cattle trucks. They were taken to Dachau in two days without food, jammed against each other like cattle, which would certainly be better treated. They were not allowed to leave the trucks for a moment.

In Regensburg very many homes were wrecked and the synagogue burnt down. In addition younger sons (in one case aged 16) were arrested with their fathers and taken away.

In Lichtenfels (Oberfranken, Bavaria) the synagogue was burnt down. A Jewish woman wanted to save the ritual objects. Several children wanted to hinder her from doing so. When the woman fended them off, the children killed her and played football with the prayer books.

In Ingolstadt all the Jewish families were informed that they had to leave Ingolstadt within an hour after their homes were wrecked and the men were led away. They took themselves to Munich on foot.

Arthur Berg, Munich

Herr Wilhelm Neuburger, Courbetstr. 21, Amsterdam


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