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Rabbi Eschelbacher was taken from his home – which was completely wrecked – and imprisoned. Frau Dr. E. wanted to accompany her husband, but did not do so after she learned that she would not be allowed to remain in the same cell as him. Rabbi E. is said to have suffered a nervous breakdown in prison but his spouse does not know about it. Apparently he has recovered now.

What took place at Rabbi Klein's must have been terrible because his home has been totally wrecked. It has been established that he was mistreated but no details of that are known. His wife was also mistreated. Both were arrested as well as their son aged 13 and a paying guest of about the same age. However, on Friday Frau Klein and the two children were set free again.

The reporter himself buried six people – five men and a woman. These fatalities are strongly connected with the pogroms. Nothing would move the reporter to communicate the names of the fatal victims and the causes of death. He did say that a man suffocated in his room after the beds were set on fire.

The reporter also could not give an estimated indication about the number of wrecked homes. He did however state that hardly a home was spared including that of the cantor of the community A., who was seriously wounded in the war, however. Very many homes were robbed and plundered during and after the destruction; and not only valuables such as jewellery, gold etc. but also lingerie, linen etc.

Until Friday the 18th November Jews could still buy food in many shops, so that one cannot speak of an immediate food emergency. The welfare office of the synagogue community in which Frau Dr. Eschelbacher and Fräulein Levisohn are active, is also working.

In Dinslaken private houses were burned, not only the synagogue. At night there children were fetched from the orphanage and taken to a school room. After the orphanage was totally wrecked the children were taken back in again. The reporter also could not make an indication of the number of people arrested in Düsseldorf but it is certainly a very large number. The younger of those arrested are said to have been taken to Dachau. The rest find themselves ten to a cell. Apparently they are allowed to cater for themselves, and can also play cards.

Herr Frank, Düsseldorf


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