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(For information only, not for circulation) CAUTION!

18 November 1938

Herewith I kindly request assistance in order to rescue my mother from Germany.

I myself just fled from Germany and, by order of the Lieutenant-Colonal, administrator of the Grensbewaking en Rijksvreemdelingendienst at The Hague, was let through at the border office at A., because in my case I could prove that special risks to life and limb existed. I was librarian of the synagogue community and editor of a Jewish paper in B. and on the night of 9 and 10 November and also in the course of that day had the opportunity to observe what happened there and how the whole operation was coordinated. I have every reason to suppose that everything I saw is known in Germany.

I regard my mother as in particular, immediate danger because, as more happens, the German authorities will try to use her as a hostage now that they cannot catch me.

My mother has no more means to exist in Germany. The small business that she ran was totally ruined whilst our home was burnt and it was not possible to save anything.

To be sure, I myself cannot support my mother because I am not allowed to work here. So my uncle, with whom I am also staying at the moment, will take her in whilst some other acquaintances who live in fairly well-to-do circumstances have also said they are prepared to take her in. My brother in South Africa who has already been trying actively to fetch her, and shall soon succeed I hope, and my sister in Palestine, will be responsible for all the costs so there is in no case danger that she will be destitute. For all further information it goes without saying that I am always at your service. German and Dutch references for my mother can also be supplied.

Letter from Julius Nassau, Bussum (Holl.), Groot Hertoginenlaan 26, Tel. 4325


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