Detailed report! CAUTION!
For appropriate use
At a burning Jewish youth centre in Essen a uniformed nursing sister who wanted to find out the fate of the administrator and his family who could possibly be lying wounded in the burning building, was told by a fireman, “They can perish quietly! After all they did away with vom Rath. Make sure you leave this area or we'll smash you up too.”
Frau Elli Samson in Essen, Haumannplatz 9, had already been perilously ill (nerves and heart) for some weeks. Doctor in charge: Dr. Fritz Hoffmann. When the SA intruded in the house to destroy it completely, the 60-year-old woman was taken from her bed and into the garden. When the maid, heavily criticised for being in service for Jews, requested a coat or a blanket for the sick woman she was told: “The old woman should perish quietly, she should be happy that we aren’t smashing you up too.” Frau Sansom has since been admitted to a hospital.
Fritz Nassau, owner of the firm Rhine-Ruhr Machine Distribution in Essen, private address Elsa-Brandström-Platz, was arrested at half past 6 in the morning on Thursday. He was later seriously mistreated and injured. I know nothing about his subsequent fate.
On Thursday morning around 10 o’clock a Dutch citizen (Heyman?) appeared at the Dutch consulate in Dreilindenstraße in Essen. He had been seriously mistreated and injured.
In Münster a great deal was stolen during the destruction of homes. Above all almost all the silverware was taken. Savings bank books also disappeared.
The Jewish old people's home Rosenau (Daniel-Fleck-Stiftung) was given instructions at midday that it had to be vacated by 5 o’clock. The home is situated beyond Essen-Werden.
Heinz Nassau